- An excellent journal article discussing how to plan, conduct and report XPS measurements – recommended reading
- X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) Reference Pages at Surface Science Western
- CasaXPS (commercial)
- Unifit (commercial)
- FitXPS (free, for Igor Pro)
- Common Data Processing System (The Surface Analysis Society of Japan)
- XPS MultiQuant (free)
- QUASES (QUantitative Analysis of Surfaces by Electron Spectroscopy, commercial)
- QUASES Simple Backgrounds (free)
- XPST (XPSTools, for Igor Pro)
- NIST XPS Database
- NIST Standard Reference Database
- XPSPeak 4.1 (free, but unsupported, program for Windows, written in the 1990s, search online for a download of the file xpspeak41.zip, or contact us)